Prayer Life In McCracken
God values our prayer whether it's spoken or made in silence. The prayer group continues to meet every Sunday morning in the committee room/ Minor Hall at 10:15 am until 10:40 am. Everyone is free to come and go to accommodate other church duties.
Everyone is most welcome to join in this time of corporate prayer. Confidentiality is observed at all times for personal prayers
Prayer Points
Prayer Changes Things!
Week Beginning:
1st September
Pray for all who have been starting back to school and for those soon going to university,
especially those starting somewhere new. Pray for all involved in education at different
levels. Remember too our neighbourhood schools, including Taughmonagh Primary, and
Harberton Special School.
8th September
Pray for Taughmonagh Presbyterian Church congregation and for the vacancy commission.
Ask God to guide all those involved in determining His way forward.
15th September
Pray for your elder and committee member and their families. Also remember our Sunday
School and Bible and Breakfast leaders, and those who help in creche.
22nd September
Pray for our scouting organisations giving thanks for 88 years of scouting at McCracken.
Thank God for all our dedicated leaders, past and present, and pray that they will continue
to know God’s blessing in the years to come. Remember all the leaders, the children who
take part and the parents who support.
29th September
Pray for our Presbytery of South Belfast. There is once again a large number of vacant congregations and difficult decisions to be made. Pray for wisdom and grace. Pray also for God’s direction. Give thanks for the great potential we have to reach out in this area which stretches right into the heart of the city. Remember our Presbytery outreaches such and International Meeting Point, Friendship House and Hope Central in Berry Street/Bank Square.
Prayer Request
Prayer request cards and envelopes are on the central vestibule table and should be placed in the accompanying box when completed. They will be collected each Sunday by the prayer group leader. Please be reassured that all requests are treated with the utmost confidenality.
You can also send us your prayer requests through the form below. These will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.