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Scouting @ McCracken

If you need any more information about our different scouting organisations details are below. 
For Squirrels contact:
For Beavers contact:
For Cubs contact:​
For Scouts contact:​
For Explorers contact:​

What is Scouting?

The Scout Movement is a global co-educational youth organization, the largest in the world, with over 28 million Members in 216 countries and territories.

The Scout Association offers everyday (and some more unusual!) adventure and activity to almost 400,000 young people across the UK.

Scouting is open to all young people aged 6 to 25 of every faith and background as long as they are prepared to make the promise. A number of variations of the promise are available to cover a range of faiths and nationalities.


There are also plenty of opportunities for adults to become involved as Leaders, Assistants, and Administrators and as Group Supporters.  If you would like to be involved with our Group then please contact one of the Groups Leaders. 

We are always looking for new volunteers.


As a member of our Group we hope and will endeavor to ensure that your child can help to make the world a better place.  Scouting makes a positive contribution to society by helping young people to develop as active members of the community who:

  • Are self reliant,

  • Are caring,

  • Are responsible,

  • Show commitment.


However most importantly this continual personal development works best when the young people are working in partnership with adults. They do this by:

  • Taking part in a variety of activities and new experiences,

  • Exploring the outdoors,

  • Participating in teams,

  • Taking responsibility,

  • Taking part in the Progressive Training Programme


The Programme is a continuous progression of training, activities and awards that covers everything that young people do in Scouting from the age of 6 to 25.


The Group and Sections

The Group currently consists of 5 sections and  meets at McCracken Church on  Monday and Wednesday evenings.


  • Squirrels     4 to 6 years old meet between 6:00pm & 7:00pm

  • Beavers      6 to 8 years old meet between 6:30pm & 7:30pm    

  • Cubs            8 to 10 ½ years old, meet between 6:30pm & 7:30pm

  • Scouts        10 ½ to 14 years old, meet between 7:30pm & 9:00pm

  • Explores     14 to 18 years old, meets Wednesdays between 8pm & 9:30pm


With all sections there is some flexibility in age ranges.


The Group can always benefit from assistance either as a Leader, helper or a member of the Group’s Executive or even as occasional specialist skills instructor, passing on skills or hobbies.  If you would like to help, in any capacity, please contact us.


Whilst the activities they take part in will depend on their age, each Section gives young people the opportunity to learn by doing. The main programme areas are:


  • Outdoor and Adventure

  • Global

  • Community

  • Fit for Life

  • Creative and Beliefs

  • And Attitudes 


Leaders are trained to deliver this programme, ensuring our young people stay safe while they enjoy themselves and learn.

In the promise your child will undertake to either “love God” or to do their “duty to God” (or their choice of deity).  Whilst we are not attached to any particular religious body the Group does attend McCracken Presbyterian Church for someservices during the year.   

Please contact a Leader with any questions that you or your child may have with regard to the promise.  


Badge Work

Members of all ages work towards attaining awards both in their chosen activities, and are awarded badges. From Circus Skills and Street Sports to Imagination and Public Relations, there is a wide range of choice of Activity Badges for all Sections.  Hobbies that your child has can also be used to help both ‘Activity Badges’ and progressive training awards.

These are generally awarded for trying new activities and doing their best at them for the younger sections whilst Scouts do have some badges that specific standards have to be met.  Generally the effort needed to obtain the badge or the standard required increases as your child progresses through the sections.  In addition though, there are seven ‘Staged Activity Badges’ these have been designed to provide a unified approach throughout the Sections.


These staged Activity Badges are:


All the Staged Activity Badges have 5 stages, with the exception of the last two.  Nights Away has 12 and Hikes Away has 6 stages. This means that a young person can gain whichever badge is appropriate to the level they have reached. It is possible, for example, for a Beaver Scout who is an excellent swimmer to gain a higher-level badge than a Scout who has just taken up the activity.

There are ‘Joining In’ awards which are presented with the numbering indicating how many years the Member has regularly attended and participated in the balanced programme across the whole Scout Movement.   Only the highest numbered badge is worn.

Each section has a number of ‘Challenge Badges’; these can either be done individually or in groups.  On completion of a number of these your child can earn the relevant Chief Scouts Award, the highest award earned worn on their uniform.


  • Beaver Scouts – Bronze Chief Scouts Award

  • Cub Scouts                  – Silver Chief Scouts Award

  • Scouts             - Gold Chief Scouts Award


When your child is ready to move onto the next section there are moving on awards for each section. 


Occasionally your child may be asked to undertake things at home to go towards badge-work or challenges being undertaken at their meeting.



028 9068 3201




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